Nylon Project Runway

Nylon har gjort ett litet roligt repotage på sin hemsida, dem återskapar sina favoriter från Paris Fashion Week.
D.I.Y.: Paris Fashion Week (Viktor & Rolf, Vivienne Westwood, & Balenciaga)
You've heard by now how good Givenchy's Paris Fashion Week after-party was last Wednesday...So good, in fact, that we lost our fashion team, NYLON's Dani Stahl and J Errico, somewhere in the mob outside Elysée Montmartre. So, with no one to bring you front row, we figured the next best thing would be to re-create a few of our favorite looks.
* Follow our step-by-step guide below!
Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren had two things to say this season: "NO!" and "Dream on." The words were protruding from the chest of a trench coat, draped over a silk blouse, and emblazoned across an oversized T-shirt. Obviously, we went with the latter.
What you need: American Apparel grey T-shirt, black paint, black sequins.
1. Stencil "NO!" on to the tee with a paint brush, or, a spoon? (see below)
2. Pour black sequins over paint and let dry.
3. Voila! Pull on a pair of leggings and booties and consider yourself runway-worthy.
If Dame Vivienne's fall collection looks like a pre-school art project, well, it was. The designer gave England's Portland School's eight-year-olds the run down on global warming, and then handed them paintbrushes. Hey, if kids can do it...
What you need: Ben Sherman white trench coat, an acrylic paint set, your imagination.
1. Find someone willing to model the soon-to-be masterpiece.
2. Paint dark stripes down the pleats.
3. Go nuts filling in the gaps, and you've got yourself an original Westwood (you might just get away with it).
Nicolas Ghesquière's dramatic fall collection featured lots of latex and shiny baubles, but the more wearable looks were the dresses that opened the show with side slits and armband sleeves. None of us wanted to experiment with our little black dresses, but a stretchy black top worked just as well.
What you need: Black long-sleeved top or dress, scissors. Yup, that's it.
1. Chop off excess sleeve just above the elbow.
2. Cut a quarter-circle from the shoulder of the shirt or dress.
3. If it's a dress you're working with, cut a slit up the skirt. If not, this top looks great with jeans!

Very nice pattern and wonderful articles , hardly anything else we need : D.
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